Chairman's Word

Global Issues / Risks / Crises / Challenges!
Local Solutions / Resolutions / Opportunities!

The Institute of Crisis and Risk Management is committed to providing outstanding education, training and other professional programmes that meet the practical management needs of professionals, executives, and their organizations. The business leaders, executives, and professionals face the critical issues today have become more strategic, more global, and more complex. The ways to manage and control will cover:


  • A constantly changing economic environment: In the market, in the economy and in consumers patterns;
  • Changing consumer, and stakeholders' values and expectations: How can a customer-centric culture be created? How to achieve the business objectives?
  • Facing with uncertainty and complexity: Managing organizations in the current economic situation and in face of disruptive and unexpected events. There is an enormous amount of information and data available and it is difficult to discern what is essential. No one wants to loose opportunities.
  • Intense global competition: Actions taken in one country can have quick and severe implications on another. How is this managed?
  • Core competencies including training and management skills: How is this crisis, risk and related management process managed and implemented now and in the future? How far will the system of certification, accreditation and recognition process be regulated?
  • How to help people find new ways of resolving disputes or conflicts in the local and international business?
  • Social responsibility: Corporate governance, understanding the importance of company and business ethics, professional code of conduct, and social responsibility and minority interests.

If you seek to be a successful professional as we enter 21st Century and beyond, please do join the different "Professional Certification Programmes" at The Institute of Crisis and Risk Management.

Dr. Freddii Lee
Hon. Chairman
The Institute of Crisis and Risk Management
ISO Committee Member (TC/O): Risk Management, Security (Crisis) Management, and Dispute Resolution, Master Trainer, Examiner, Assessor, Auditor in Negotiation, Mediation (General and Family), Consultant:Business Ethics, Enterprise Risk Management, Strategic Crisis Management, Business Continuity Management, and Change Management.